5 Best Google Easter eggs That You Should See in 2019

Google Search Engine
Easter egg also known as paschals eggs which are usually used as gifts on the occasion of Easter. 
The word Easter egg is also used in computer games/software and media to specify the hidden messages, inside jokes and secret images and features. It is usually found in computer programs and video games. 
The hidden Easter eggs leads to an Easter egg hunt among all the programmers and players as the first one to find the Easter egg would get the first view and working of the Easter egg.
1. Do a barrel roll.
Do a barrel roll image
This Easter egg works when anyone writes the query "do a barrel roll" in the search engine. When you enter the query the Result page(SERP) Does an 360° roll. 
This Easter egg was originated by a Nintendo game Star Fox 64 where a character named Peppy hare tells the character Fox McCloud to "do a barrel roll". Since then it became an internet meme mainly used to caption image or gifs of animals, peoples and objects eather rolling completely around or unsuccessfully attempting to do so.
2. Askew.
Askew Google Easter egg image
If you search for the word "Askew" the result page shown will be slightly tilted.
You may think the tilted screen might be because of a bug or glitch in the result page but that's not the case.
The query "Askew" executes a function which changes the layout of the result page.
This Easter egg show the meaning of the term "Askew" which means "Not in a straight line".
3. Recursion.
Recursion Google Easter Egg Image
If you'll type recursion in search engine and click on search then you'll get a normal search result screen but you'll notice that the "Did you mean:" section is showing the same word as you've typed without any mistake. This Easter egg shows the example of its name itself. If you'll click on the "Did you mean: Recursion" then you'll be redirected to the same search page. The repeating process of the word is a good example mixed with some Easter egg.
4. the answer to life the universe and everything.
The answer to life the universe and everything.
This Easter egg came from the book The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy by the author Douglas Adams. 
In the book he wrote a line "The answer to the life the universe and everything is 42" which attracted many Geeks to waste many years and massive effort to ascribe any deep, symbolic significance to the number and it's formation. 
Adams finally spoked about the number saying "The answer to this is very simple. It was a joke". 
5. Google chrome tabs spin.
Google chrome tabs spin. Google chrome tabs spin Easter egg
This Easter egg only works on Google chrome and this is the only Easter egg that only a few peoples know about. I found this Easter egg by myself when I was working on Google chrome and was opening a new tab but suddenly they flipped once. I was amazed for a bit and search for it and found out that it was an eastern egg of google chrome. For this trick you must have google chrome installed. 
First step:- open a few tabs in the browser (4 to 5). 
Next step:- slide them upward five times and there you go. Your tab will spin once. If you'll look closely you will see an embossed version of Google Chrome logo on the back of the browser.
Try all these Easter eggs in you browser and I'm sure they'll amaze you.
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  1. I like the 1st oneπŸ™ƒπŸ™ƒπŸ™ƒ

    1. That's the common one but nice to hear that you liked itπŸ‘»πŸ™Œ

  2. Replies
    1. 😎😎 you must be wondering how can someone be so curious about no. 42 πŸ˜€

  3. Adams: oh that no. 42, it was a joke

  4. Replies
    1. Looks like everyone likes Adams πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚ btw thanks for the comment.


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